Arlo Technologies Inc

Common Stock
Sector: Information Technology
Industry: Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components
Sub-Industry: Electronic Equipment & Instruments
Growth - D
Current Year EPS Growth
Next Year EPS Growth
Two Years From Now EPS Growth
Sales Growth Last Quarter Value
Sales Growth Last Year Value
Sales Growth Last 3 Years Value
Number of Years in Last 3 with Positive Sales Growth
Number of Quarters in Last 4 with Positive Sales Growth
Gross Margin
Capital Expenditure
Amount Spent on R&D Last 4 Qtrs
Property and Equipment Growth over Last 4 Quarters
Property and Equipment Growth over Last 3 Years
Years in Last 3 with Positive Property Growth
Quarters in Last 4 with Positive Property Growth
Debt to Cash Ratio
Profitability - F
Net Income Growth Last Quarter Value
Net Income Growth Last Year Value
Net Income Growth Last 3 Years Value
Number of Years in Last 5 with Positive Net Income Growth
Number of Quarters in Last 4 with Positive Net Income Growth
Dividend Amount Growth Over Last Five Years
Percentage of Dividends With Amount Growth in Last Five Years
Percentage of Quarters With Dividend Issued Over Past 5 Years
Dividend Yield
Net Margin
Return on Assets
Debt to Cash Ratio
Debt to Net Income Based on Last 4 Qtrs
Valuation - F
P/E Ratio
Current Year Projected P/E Ratio
Next Year Projected P/E Ratio
Two Years From Now Projected P/E Ratio
P/S Ratio Based on Last 4 Quarters
P/S Ratio Based on Last Quarter
Price to Free Cash Flow Based on Last Quarter
Price To Cash Flow Ratio
2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
(Diluted) Earnings Per Share -$0.68 -$1.30 -$1.14 -$1.12 $0.09
Sales/Revenue $435.00 M $357.19 M $369.62 M $464.60 M $370.66 M
Sales Growth 21.79% -3.36% -20.44% 25.35% 0.00%
Gross Margin +24.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Net Income -$56.03 M -$101.25 M -$85.95 M -$75.48 M $6.55 M
Net Income Growth 44.66% -17.80% -13.87% -1252.59% 0.00%
Net Margin -12.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
EBITDA -$43.58 M -$94.68 M -$127.81 M -$42.49 M $9.47 M
Cost of Goods Sold (incl D&A) $327.10 M $301.77 M $334.20 M $372.84 M $279.42 M
Cost of Goods Sold (excl D&A) $321.13 M $291.56 M $323.52 M $367.54 M $275.68 M
Cost of Goods Growth 8.40% -9.71% -10.36% 33.43% 0.00%
Research & Development $59.06 M $60.14 M $69.36 M $58.79 M $34.68 M
Other SG&A Expenses $0.00 M $100.16 M $104.55 M $80.76 M $50.82 M
Interest Expense $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M
Income Tax $0.68 M $0.63 M $4.38 M $0.77 M $1.13 M
2022 Q3 2022 Q2 2022 Q1 2021 Q4
(Diluted) Earnings Per Share -$0.16 -$0.13 -$0.10 -$0.08
Sales/Revenue $128.16 M $118.98 M $124.75 M $142.85 M
Sales Growth 7.71% -4.63% -12.67% 28.66%
Gross Margin +24.80 0.00 0.00 0.00
Net Income -$14.44 M -$11.56 M -$8.48 M -$6.79 M
Net Income Growth -24.90% -36.30% -24.84% 55.31%
Net Margin -12.88 0.00 0.00 0.00
EBITDA -$13.04 M -$10.10 M -$7.29 M -$5.56 M
Cost of Goods Sold (incl D&A) $91.41 M $85.24 M $91.18 M $111.15 M
Cost of Goods Sold (excl D&A) $90.28 M $84.02 M $89.87 M $109.72 M
Cost of Goods Growth 7.24% -6.51% -17.97% 28.04%
Research & Development $16.47 M $17.40 M $16.38 M $13.64 M
Other SG&A Expenses $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M
Interest Expense $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.02 M
Income Tax $0.30 M $0.23 M $0.21 M $0.15 M
2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net Property and Plant Equipment $24.41 M $39.82 M $52.65 M $49.43 M $3.88 M
Cash and Short-Term Investment $175.75 M $206.12 M $256.67 M $201.03 M $0.11 M
Cash and Short-Term Investment Growth -14.74% -19.69% 27.68% 186036.11% 0.00%
Long Term Debt $21.47 M $25.03 M $29.00 M $19.98 M $0.00 M
Net Total Accounts Receivable $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M
Total Accounts Receiveable $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M
Total Accounts Payable $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M
Total Assets $432.69 M $490.27 M $594.08 M $621.20 M $285.90 M
Total Assets Growth -11.74% -17.47% -4.37% 117.28% 0.00%
Inventories $38.39 M $64.71 M $68.62 M $124.79 M $82.95 M
Finished Goods $38.39 M $64.71 M $68.62 M $124.79 M $82.95 M
Short Term Debt $4.61 M $4.40 M $3.91 M $1.63 M $0.00 M
Total Liabilities $320.04 M $356.50 M $390.70 M $351.70 M $160.48 M
2022 Q3 2022 Q2 2022 Q1 2021 Q4 2021 Q3
Net Property and Plant Equipment $20.75 M $22.72 M $22.32 M $24.41 M $26.30 M
Cash and Short-Term Investment $125.27 M $135.26 M $145.54 M $175.75 M $166.06 M
Cash and Short-Term Investment Growth -7.38% -7.07% -17.19% 5.84% 0.00%
Long Term Debt $20.24 M $21.47 M $20.31 M $21.47 M $22.61 M
Net Total Accounts Receivable $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M
Total Accounts Receiveable $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M
Total Accounts Payable $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M $0.00 M
Total Assets $331.22 M $299.68 M $311.79 M $432.69 M $333.33 M
Total Assets Growth 10.52% -3.88% -27.94% 29.81% 0.00%
Inventories $73.24 M $39.21 M $37.04 M $38.39 M $39.77 M
Finished Goods $73.24 M $39.21 M $37.04 M $38.39 M $39.77 M
Short Term Debt $4.51 M $4.58 M $4.53 M $4.61 M $4.41 M
Total Liabilities $233.90 M $197.28 M $199.79 M $320.04 M $221.10 M
Expiration Date Call To Put Ratio Open Money on Chain
Quarter Amount Yield
Fundamentals and Technicals
Price Per Share $8.51
P/E Ratio
P/S Ratio 0.00
P/S Ratio Based on Last 4 Quarters
P/S Ratio Based on Last Quarter
Market Capitalization
Percent of Float Sold Short 0.00%
Price To Cash Flow Ratio 0.00
Current Year Projected P/E Ratio 0.00
Next Year Projected P/E Ratio 0.00
Two Years From Now Projected P/E Ratio
Price to Free Cash Flow Based on Last Quarter
Gross Margin 0.00
Net Margin 0.00
Return on Assets 0.00
Return on Invested Capital 0.00
EPS $0.00
Earnings Last 4 Quarters
Sales Last 4 Quarters
Net Income Growth Last 4 Quarters
Net Income Growth Last Quarter Value
Net Income Growth Last Year Value
Net Income Growth Last 3 Years Value
Number of Years in Last 5 with Positive Net Income Growth
Number of Quarters in Last 4 with Positive Net Income Growth
Sales Growth Last 4 Quarters
Sales Growth Last Quarter Value
Sales Growth Last Year Value
Sales Growth Last 3 Years Value
Number of Years in Last 3 with Positive Sales Growth
Number of Quarters in Last 4 with Positive Sales Growth
Dividend Yield 0.00%
Total Accounts Receivable
Total Accounts Payable
Net Accounts Receivable
Net Accounts Receivable as % of Last 4 Qtrs Revenue
Reporting Currency
Current Year Forecast EPS 0.39
Next Year Forecast EPS 0.53
Two Years From Now Forecast EPS
Current Year EPS Growth 0.00%
Next Year EPS Growth 35.90%
Two Years From Now EPS Growth
Dividend Yield Growth Over Last Five Years
Years in Last Five With Positive Dividend Yield Growth
EPS Growth Over Next Year 0.00
EPS Growth Over Next Two Years
Dividend Amount Growth Over Last Five Years
Percentage of Dividends With Amount Growth in Last Five Years
Percentage of Quarters With Dividend Issued Over Past 5 Years
Free Cash Flow
Free Cash Flow Last Quarter
Percent of Revenue Last 4 Qtrs Spent on Cost of Goods
Amount Spent on R&D Last 4 Qtrs
Percent of Revenue Last 4 Qtrs Spent on R&D
Percent of Revenue Last 4 Qtrs Spent on Interest Payments
Percent of Revenue Last 4 Qtrs Spent on Other SG&A
Percent of Revenue Last 4 Qtrs Spent on Taxes
Capital Expenditure
Property and Equipment over Last 5 Years
Property and Equipment over Last 4 Quarters
Property and Equipment Growth over Last 4 Quarters
Property and Equipment Growth over Last 3 Years
Years in Last 3 with Positive Property Growth
Quarters in Last 4 with Positive Property Growth
Capital Expenditure Last Quarter
Debt to Net Income Based on Last 4 Qtrs
Debt to Cash Ratio
Liabilities to Cash Ratio
Total Debt to Total Equity 0.00
Total Debt to Total Assets 0.00
Volume Last Trading Day $0.87 M
Current Volume Compared to the Last 15 Trading Day -5.06%
Current Volume Compared to the Last 30 Trading Day -9.56%
Current Volume Compared to the Last 60 Trading Day -3.48%
Current Volume Compared to the Last 100 Trading Day -3.70%
Current Volume Compared to the Last 250 Trading Day 7.84%
Percent Change Last Fifteen Days -9.56%
Percent Change Last Thirty Days -10.04%
Percent Change Last Forty Five Days -3.73%
Percent Change Last Sixty Days -1.84%
Percent Change Since Last Report Release
Current Price Compared to 15 Day Moving Average -8.88%
Current Price Compared to 30 Day Moving Average -10.02%
Current Price Compared to 60 Day Moving Average -6.73%
Current Price Compared to 100 Day Moving Average 22.37%
Current Price Compared to 250 Day Moving Average 74.76%
Average Volume Last 15 Trading Days $0.91 M
Average Volume Last 30 Trading Days $0.96 M
Average Volume Last 60 Trading Days $0.90 M
Average Volume Last 100 Trading Days $1.64 M
Average Volume Last 250 Trading Days $1.47 M
15 Day Moving Average $9.34
30 Day Moving Average $9.46
60 Day Moving Average $9.12
100 Day Moving Average $6.63
250 Day Moving Average $4.64